Monday, 26 December 2011

Jean Baudrillard

“The opposite of knowledge is not ignorance but deceit and fraud”
Jean Baudrillard

Monday, 19 December 2011

Giles Deleuze

“Schizophrenia is the enlargement of life’s limits through the pragmatic proliferation of concepts.” 
Giles Deleuze

Monday, 12 December 2011

Giles Deleuze - on state philosophy

Academic Philosophy, what Delueze calls “State Philosophy”,  is part of the system. 
“State Philosophy” is grounded in double identity. The thinking subject and its concepts and its correspondence with an external object.

“Thus the exercise of their thought is in conformity with the aims of the real State, with the dominant significations, and with the requirements of the established order."

Giles Deleuze

Monday, 5 December 2011

Giles Deleuze - on state philosophy

“Representational thought is analogical…The faculty of judgment serves as the police force of analogy…In thought its end is truth, in action justice….The modus operandi is negation…Identity, resemblance, truth, justice and negation. The rational foundations of order”
Giles Deleuze

Monday, 28 November 2011

Giles Deleuze - on nomadic thought

‘Nomad thought’…It does not repose on identity; it rides difference.”  

Giles Deleuze 

Other attempts at Nomadic Thoughts:
Spinoza’s                               “Ethics”
Nietzsche                               “Gay science”
Artaud                                    “Crowned anarchy”
Maurice Blanchot                  “Space of literature”
Foucault                                 “Outside thought”

Monday, 21 November 2011

Giles Deleuze - on concepts

A concept is a vector. 

“The concept has no subject or object other than itself. It is an act.” 
Giles Deleuze

Monday, 14 November 2011

Giles Deleuze - on power

“Force is not be confused with power. Power is the domestication of force. Force in its wild states arrives from outside to break constraints and open new vistas. Power builds walls.” 

Giles Deleuze

Monday, 7 November 2011

Giles Deleuze - on nomadic thought

“State space is ‘striated’, or gridded. Movement is confined by gravity to a horizontal plane,…Nomad space is ‘smooth’ or open-ended. One can rise up at any point and move to another. Its mode of distribution is the nomos: arraying oneself in an open space (hold the street), as opposed to the logos of entrenching oneself in a closed space (hold the fort).” 

Giles Deleuze

Terms originally coined by Pierre Boulez.

Monday, 31 October 2011


“The philosopher is a self-revaluation of nature’s workshop: the philosopher and the artist tell the trade secrets of nature. The sphere of the philosopher and the artist tell the trade secrets of nature. The sphere of the philosopher and the artist exists above the tumult of contemporary history, beyond necessity. The philosopher is a brake-shoe on the wheel of time.
Philosophers appear during times of great danger, when the wheel of time is turning faster and faster. Together with art they step into the place vacated by myth. But they are far ahead of their time, since the attention of their contemporaries only turns towards them slowly…”
